Premier Pensions Management Bristol
About Premier Pensions Management Bristol
Premier Pensions Management Limited Bristol
Pension Administration
When it comes to pensions administration, our mission has been to challenge the industry’s mediocre standards – held back by legacy systems, poor processes and over stretched resources. Rather than adapt or shape these standards, we’ve totally abandoned that model to create a service that truly excels.
Designed and built from scratch, our service uses the latest technologies available – which means we don’t need to worry about legacy problems. Instead, we are free to concentrate all of our efforts on providing a first class service to our trustees and scheme members.
Pension Consulting
We established our Pension Consulting Service with one clear aim: to do things differently.
We employ highly skilled and experienced professionals and provide them with the environment which allows them to focus entirely on their clients. We give our team of consultants the freedom to use their expertise, whilst retaining the highest levels of accuracy and quality. This approach ensures they take pride in their work – and gives them immense satisfaction from providing the best possible service to our clients.
The results speak for themselves. Our clients receive timely, accurate and cost-effective advice – specific to their needs.
Benefit Consulting
Whether you are thinking of offering benefits for the first time, or reviewing a benefit strategy that has simply evolved over time, we have the knowledge and expertise to add real value to your business.
We can help you develop a benefit strategy that is truly aligned to your business needs and being completely independent, we provide truly impartial advice.
If you have a benefit strategy in place already, we can help you assess:
• The competitiveness of your offering compared with your competitors
• The appropriateness of the package recognising employee diversity
• That the benefits match your contractual obligations and whether there are uninsured liabilities
• Whether you are getting value for money from suppliers/advisers
• The effectiveness of employee communications and the level of awareness/understanding/appreciation among your employees
• Operational efficiencies to reduce your internal workload
If you are thinking of introducing new benefits or offering employees greater choice, we can help you assess:
• Whether there is a business case
• Operational issues will need to be overcome
• Which benefits to add/flex and assist with the broking/sourcing of appropriate suppliers
• Which administration/technology platform will meet your needs
• The most effect means of communicating with employees
Many people believe that high quality actuarial advice is excessively expensive, available only to the largest pension plans with significant budgets. But that’s not the case with Premier. We give small and medium sized pension plans exceptional actuarial advice and services – at an affordable price.
We use the latest communication and information technologies to regularly measure and monitor key financial information. This means we are not held back by resourcing issues, obsolete processes or legacy problems. Instead, we’re free to concentrate on providing our clients a first class service.
Clear communication is another key factor to our success – this is never truer than in the field of actuarial work. We will go to extraordinary lengths to identify and understand what our clients need – and then tailor our service accordingly.
We also recognise that things can – and will – change. Thanks to our flexible approach and long term view, we can make all the difference to our clients.
When it comes to pricing, unlike many actuarial services, the majority of our work can be provided on a fixed fee – which means the price we quote will be the price you pay.
Some of the Services we Offer Include:
Pensions Bristol • Pension Consultants Bristol • Wealth Planning Bristol • Financial Services Bristol • Actuaries Bristol
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