Train 2 Protect Ltd
About Train 2 Protect Ltd
Train 2 Protect Ltd
Train2Protect (T2P) International Ltd is the UK's first truly whole of life safety company. We aim to provide a professional 'One Stop Shop' for consultancy, training and equipment procurement. The service you receive as one of our clients is the same, regardless of size, whether Government, large Corporations, SME's or even individuals. Our aim is to help you to provide a "Safe and Secure place to Live and Work".
Our diverse portfolio of clients, means that the potential threats that they face, are individual to them and may come in the form of a terrorist attack; Supicious package, Letter bomb, telephone bomb threat or from other criminal activity including the actions of individuals or groups whose intent it is to disrupt their business or our daily life. However for many of our clients, as well as having to face the threats already mentioned, they also have to deal with the more mundane, but never the less important day-to-day activities carried out by themselves and their employees regarding Health & Safety in the workplace; First Aid, Fire Safety, Manual handling, Food Safety etc.
Since Train2Protect was formed in 2003 we have gained a reputation for providing quality training and consultancy. Initially formed to respond to the growing global threat from terrorism and criminal acts, our core business focused on Security and Explosives, this included Counter Terrorist Search and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal as well as Threat and Vulnerability Assessments.
We have been instrumental in the development of National Occupational Standards for personnel employed in the area of Search and/or Munition Clearance.Our Managing Director is a member of the Standards Setting Body for Explosives Munitions and Search Occupations(EMSO) and in 2004,we became the first civilian training organisation in the world, to be accredited by 3 of the United Kingdoms Awarding Bodies for the delivery ofAcademic/Vocational Qualifications in Munitions Clearance and Search Occupations.
One of our first major undertakings and success's, was the design and delivery of a specialist security training course focusing on the detection of improvised explosive devices (IED's) for a major UK Nuclear energy provider. This short one day course was accredited by the Awarding bodies and has now been delivered to hundreds of security personnel. To learn more about the Basic Search Awareness and IED Recognition course click here.
As our client base has grown and whilst remaining true to our original ethos of providing a "Safe and Secure place for people to live and work in" we have expanded our core business to include some of the more mundane but never the less important day-to-day activities that keep us safe, many of which are required under the growing legislative safety requirements; First Aid, Fire Safety and Health, Safety and Environmental training, consultancy and equipment procurement.
First Aid
At Train2Protect we believe that First Aid is a life skill and as such is beneficial to everyone, even young children can be taught what to do in the event of an accident or somebody suddenly falling ill. Here in the UK, the HSE requires employers to provide adequate first aid facilities and trained personnel for the work place. Details of these requirements can be found at their web site:
Train2Protect is capable of responding to the needs of various organisations, business or individuals by offering flexible courses that include first aid and Basic Life Support in accordance with UK and Eurpean Resuscitation Council guidelines.
We offer both statutory training and bespoke courses and where appropriate or required this training is certificated to show compliance with UK HSE requirements.
Bomb Awareness
Due to the continuing threat from terrorist attacks and growing demand for this type of training, Train2Protect in association with 3 of the UK’s leading awarding bodies has developed the ‘International Basic Search Awareness and IED Recognition course. This course has been designed to meet international requirements because this type of training is as applicable overseas as it is here in the UK.
For commercial organisations, the question often asked is "Why would someone target us" Well, whether you are a shopping mall, large blue chip company or small enterprise, the chances are that somewhere in your system you are dealing with companies who are actively being targeted, and to terrorists that makes you a legitimate target.
Post Room Training
Security within the Post Room and the threat from Mail is often under estimated and overlooked. Recent attacks both at home and overseas have shown how vulnerable business is to attack via the postal system, these attacks have included chemical, biological, explosive and non-lethal devices. It is for this reason that we must continuously review Post Room security to ensure we can meet this growing threat.
For many years the Royal Mail and courier systems have been used by terrorists, criminals and disgruntled individuals to deliver postal devices of all types including letter bombs, with the intention of killing, maiming, frightening or disrupting individuals, business and government. Despite these attacks, many companies have failed to respond to this real and growing threat. Investment in training and technology can act as an effective line of defence for individuals, companies and government departments.
Health & Safety
"Good Health and Safety is Good Business".
Your business does not have to be dealing with asbestos or operating dangerous machinery for an accident to happen to a member of your staff or a visitor to site or premises. A slippery floor, loose carpet tile, poorly designed workspace, or poorly regulated/working practices can all lead to an accident. After all, what is an accident?
An accident has been defined as: an unplanned, uncontrolled event leading to
actual or potential injury, damage or loss.
Fire Safety
Every year Fire kills approximately 700 people in the United Kingdom and costs approximately £1,500 million in insurance claims. Did you know that following a fire in the workplace, roughly 80% of companies never recover? It therefore makes good sense to protect yourself, your staff and your business from the risk of fire.
Train2Protect provides cost effective safety services and solutions in fire protection to all levels of the business community. Our ability to provide you with a total fire safety solution includes fire risk assessments, staff training at all levels including fire awareness and fire warden / marshal training, and the supply of fire extinguishers, signage and ancillary equipment.
New - Food Safety
CIEH Food Safety in Catering Level 2
This one-day introductory course accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has replaced the foundation certificate in food hygiene and is ideal for anyone who is employed or is seeking employment in the Catering industry.
Alternative telephone number - Freephone 08000 438827
Some of the Services we Offer Include:
Security Services Rochester • Health and Safety Training Rochester • Security Consultants Rochester • Bomb Awareness Training Rochester • Fire Risk Assessments Rochester
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